Principal Message

M. Goverdhan Reddy
Sahithi Primarily intends to nurture the shelved potential of Students by providing an ideal platform for them to channelize their creative explosion and lend expression of their thoughts and views on various aspects in earnest manner.
Sahithi’s Vision of Education is to turn Mirrors into Windows by focusing not only in Academics exclusively but also in providing an opportunity to each student in exploring their own capabilities in the areas of their interest such as Curricular, Co-curricular or Extra Curricular Activities. We aim in developing Soft Skills which equips them in managing and leading varied opportunities in an added Edge.
Welcome New Students...
We Sahithi are excited to be pertaining with you as you participate in an exciting educational journey of discovery.
Vital to the excellence, Creativity and innovation at SAHITHI COLLEGE is our commitment to diversity and inclusiveness.
Cultivating rich diversity is a hallmark of our college. Together we and our faculty work to promote a foster and friendly climate that is respectful, civil & supportive. You will find unlimited opportunities to enjoy college life by learning, exploring knowledge not only in Academics but also in curricular activities with true potential.
Consistently to upgrade the quality of education college is making an effort to monitor and revise the curriculum and syllabus for better learning which makes SAHITHI distinct twin cities.
We believe all our student will mark this as productive and fruitful period right from the First Day.